Image by Honeysuckle flowers by Beverly Buckley from Pixabay
What would happen if two souls were so intertwined that they could not escape each other? This is the concept of the Twin Flames. Escape is the wrong word … how can we understand this concept in a pragmatic, Exanian way, without all the romanticism?
Much like the world itself — a product of our own will — Twin Flames act as mirrors to each other. Our “perfect will” creates our “imperfect intentions.” Our innermost being is played out by another for us to interact and intertwine with.
One flame wills the other flame into existence and vice versa via the totality of their own being. There is no sequence here — it is a spontaneous act of creation to fulfill the needs of two compatible souls — two compatible Waves.
Will is the re-orientation of the cosmos to reflect a new state — like a shining light through a piece of fractured glass.
A Twin Flame is a deep yearning to see a reflection of ourselves — the good, the bad, the ugly — the hopes, the desires no matter how pure or carnal — the light & the dark — and to bring these back together. To learn how to exonerate the good and heal the bad and find out how to interlock these pieces and experience this union in every conceivable way.
To understand this concept properly, though, requires a great deal of spiritual prerequisites.
Before that, I want to share the receipt I received from getting some groceries today, just before writing this post, after I had been thinking about this topic a lot.

The total is $26.62 — a perfect mirror. Still believe in “coincidence?”
So, first, some fundamentals.
Disregard all sense of physicality and surrender yourself to the fact that there is only consciousness. Physicality is simply a particular sense / feeling of density / heaviness. It is a story you are holding — and value — that brings a particular kind of order or sensory experience to yourself. There is no “here” and “there.” There is no “ground” beneath your feet, just the sensation that it is there. There is no “place” or borders except those you draw.
Our qualia — our physical reality — our sensoria — is ruled by the pool that entangles our awareness, or will. We cannot escape it. I call this pool the ‘Wave.’ Attempting to escape it causes disownership (of will) and leads us to Nonsense (suffering) — but this is not the topic of this article — just a quick reminder.
Nonsense is the “devil” — the best way I can compress it as a singular concept is “perfect doubt” as it will always contradict your will perfectly. It can only be overcome through Decision and Faith. In this context, Nonsense is not Twin Flames opposing each other, but rather the “force” or story that keeps the Twin Flames apart. It is the demons of each flame’s hearts. Both flames must overcome their own Nonsense to be united.
The Wave is all the choices you are making in an eternal continuum. You don’t remember your choices from beyond this “dream of Earth.” But they were made. This article is not about how memory works — but memory is also a susceptible to verisimilitude — and so via our choices we can blind ourselves, or allow ourselves to see. We may even sometimes blind ourselves because we know we are entering a period of time where great endurance and tests will be required of us — kind of like focusing on a project or a goal and excluding distractions, just on a cosmic scale.
It is not enough to “just will it” without allowing the story to progress. The verisimilitude cannot be cheated and we are holding very restricting stories about ourselves. You are already planning all of your subsequent “lives” (dreams) right now via the choices you are making — via all the restrictions and allowances you permit.
“You” are not the Wave — you are the king on the throne. You are the eye. You are sitting back, far beyond reach, observing.
But for all intents and purposes, you cannot exist without the Wave. The Wave is all the good & bad that gives you the limitations that allow you to perceive the totality of all creation. Without these limitations, you would be the totality of all creation and would experience nothing at all.
When we think of God, we think of an “omnipotent, omniscient individual” but this is Nonsense. We cannot be God “as an individual” as this represents non-experience. So God must always be divided, playing for all time — but this does not mean we cannot experience being “one.”
We must also understand unity. Unity is understanding that *you* are your entire qualia/experience — this includes not just your physical experience, but your feelings, thoughts and emotions. I make this sound too simple … You are all the things — even the things you think you are not. You are all the stories. The relationships themselves. The meanings. The connections. The stories you write about the future, the past … there is nothing outside of you because outside is a Nonsense concept.
There is no “not.” Catch yourself when you wish to disown yourself — this is sign of the Nonsense (what others might call ego.) When you disown, you are stepping off the throne and allowing Nonsense to pilot, because it must. It is how you experience “no will” or “outside will.”
So what does this really mean? Everyone is within us. Everyone you know. Go ahead — think about anyone. I’ll wait. What came to mind for you? Whoever you thought about, you “possess” all the stories that just came to mind for you. They are not “on Earth” or in “some place.” They are in you.
That does not make the other person unreal. You are simply glimpsing your own awesome power and perhaps tickling your intuition of things beyond your senses.
Is it true? Is it false? Those are also stories. You tell me. What do you “feel?” What do you decide? What conditions do you use to decide? Those too — you guessed it — are yours.
You should take a moment and view this clip from Star Wars Rebels which I also included in my “House of Mirrors” post. I am posting it here again because it is so good. Understand it in the context of “nothing is outside of you.”
What else is inside? The boundaries you keep between people (and yourself). The feelings and thoughts that you use to label and separate them. Mom, dad, friend, boss, lover, stranger … these are all boundaries to how you have organized yourself.
These boundaries shift and change all the time. The permissions — the gates — change. The keyholders change. And because the “other” represents an “independent will”, it becomes imperative to make decisions on who controls the keys to your realm.
If someone does something to you that you didn’t like, it is because of a permission problem. In the Star Wars clip above, Kanan sees the spiders as frightful, terrible creatures — but this is just how Kanan is feeling about himself. It is not how the spiders see themselves. So the spiders see Kanan as something “frightful and terrible” because that is what he is holding within and so they react as you might expect.
Bear in mind here that we are limited beings — so we must honor the verisimilitude of our both our physical environment and our psyche (imposing further limitations beyond the deception of the physical.) In other words, you can victimize yourself with your own will. Nothing is out of your control.
What I am starting to recognize is that people can impact you without ever being physically present. I can hear you laughing — that sounds too obvious, right? But you are missing the point. How to explain this … It is obvious that we can hold feelings, or thoughts about someone who is “not present” and that these can impact our decisions or how we live our life. What is less obvious is that this person may be able to influence us without lucid apprehension — via their own will — without ever being present.
A person may impact our energy, our inclinations or habits, or our thoughts, without us having any awareness of it. We assume it to be “ours.” We may depend on it, or blame it, or even take from it, never realizing it is another person. We may lift it up, or hurt it, without ever knowing.
Imagine your “Wave” is like a pool in your backyard. You often throw parties, invite people over, swim and have a good time. But imagine someone comes under the dark of night and pisses in your pool without you being aware.
Do you see?
This is a poor example, perhaps, but I am trying to show how you may have to deal with consequences that have been imposed beyond your immediate physical experience, because these are also stories you are deeply entangled with. In fact, these entanglements can be so deep, that the other person can also feel them. Maybe this is even where we find telepathy, if we can just trust ourselves and lower the boundaries.
In the pool example, it doesn’t have to be “pissing.” It could be benevolent as well — perhaps someone leaves you a rubber ducky, a ceramic bowl, or pretty red flowers. This is just meant to be demonstrative that things may impact your Wave without your lucid awareness and that these “things” can be people.
You again may say — well, that is obvious. It is basic psychology. What I am trying to demonstrate here is that we are never-ending story writers. And we are writing the stories for “others” — and they of us — as much as we are writing stories for ourselves. Our boundaries prevent their stories — or allow them. And our boundaries — or lack of them — allow others to influence our totality without our realization.
Our Waves can mix. Do mix. There can be people swimming in your pool at midnight if you forget to lock the gate. The physical reality is just a superficial layer when most of the universe is unfolding beyond our senses. Our will “unseen” is always making new connections, finding new people, laying down new paths. Our souls are fighting battles, making love and creating worlds beyond our lucid senses.
Twin Flames, then, are perfect reflections of each other in every conceivable way. When one looks (or thinks) upon another, they see all the things they love and hate about themselves embodied and animated physically as another person. A Twin Flame partnership is the most powerful partnership in creation because it represents forgiving, accepting and overcoming the limitations each soul sees in the other, as it thus sees in itself, in order to become one.
Each flame must come to know itself in order to “see” the other flame, who they come to know as a kind of “counter expression” of themselves.
Further more, the Twin Flames lives themselves would be almost like mirrors also — in very real, physical and visceral ways. There are tales of how birth twins can sense the other — feel when they are hurt and so on — and I suspect this can also happen with twin flames.
If you could view these flames from a higher perspective, both lives would appear like an inexorable inverse of the other — even as each flame is unaware of this. If one flame has an addiction to alcohol, the other flame may experience a kind of drunkiness that he can’t explain in his life — perhaps a fatigue, or memory problems.
If one flame feels one thing, the other feels it too, but in whatever story is appropriate for them / their orientation of story — as reflected to them by their own Wave. They are tidally locked. Their Wave represents these connection back to them that is unique to each flame. One might feel it — the other might “hear” it. The moves of one can cause moves in the other — it manifests as “real story” that plays out in each life.
And it is always a perfect reflection both to themselves — as in, it appears to be their own will, their own choices — as well as a reflection playing out in the other’s life. What is true for the self is true of the other — and the partnership also. So “two wills acting as one” but the story that arises is completely different.
The Twin Flames “trigger” each other in all the places where they have hidden their awareness in order to teach themselves lessons — to become more cohesive — and to grow together. Remember: there is no time. It does not exist. A decision is made and the whole universe changes. Your reflection, with a will of its own, is moving in perfect step with you.
A Twin Flame is the one (true love) and because you are eternal beings, your twin reflection has a magic map that constantly rewrites itself with each decision. They know all the paths and trails that you try to hide which reveal the weaknesses that will bring you to your knees. They know all about the ultra secret entrance that leads right to your heart. And you love them for it. This cosmic dance and interplay off of each other reveals love itself hidden inbetween as the adventure is renewed again and again.
It is beautiful, awesome and mind boggling.
The Twin Flame represents, in my opinion, the deepest desire to express and experience love. It is also the most intimate need to surrender our will — to destroy an absolute — to experience what will, itself, is like, by letting go of it in another — another with whom we are so intertwined with that it is like we didn’t surrender our will at all because they fulfill our every desire effortlessly.

Gir Valentine by Lukeedee on DeviantArt