You’ve stumbled into the MASTERY section …

I have created this website primarily as a means to keep myself focused & motivated on elevating consciousness because our lives our ripe with distraction. While this website is often focused on the philosophical and esoteric, I also wanted a depository where I could share aspects of my life that others may find interesting.

This section represents years of self-reflection and contemplation.

I have an earnest hope that this work is of use to others and helps them in their spiritual & consciousness journey.


Ex Inanis outlines and discusses a personal paradigm that I have created for my own enlightenment. These are anecdotes of my own life. This material is for your reference -- not your worship. You should find your own connection to God / Creator / Universe.

What should you expect with this material?

Let us start with a crash course.

The highest truth of this work:

Free will is absolute.

Ex Inanis explores the proper understanding (and application) of this truth and its application in altering our lives. We explore how to create freedom & harmony within ourselves which becomes the ultimate conduit for expressing will.

Free will is not about brute force, or discipline. Free will is not about the denial of your reality, or overcoming through willpower. We work on deprogramming the inverted idea that “will has power” because will is always doneso needs no power! The idea of power creates the false idea that you need control or power over decisions you have already made.

Free will works in concert with concepts like: trust, acceptance, allowance, faith & surrender. This sounds contradictory because you don’t know how to trust yourself.

Absolute free will means your choices are always honored and free will — whether yours or someone else’s — is never violated. Let me repeat: will cannot be violated. This means you cannot go against your own will anymore than you can go against someone else’s will.

All outcomes align to their participants will, but the physical world is visceral and deceptive and makes this hard to accept. We have a deep-rooted instinct to blame the world, or others, or even the divine, when things go bad. Sometimes things go so bad that we can’t even comprehend that we chose it. But even when life is at it’s worst, it does us no good to disempower ourselves.

The work we do here is nothing less than self-mastery. We use this mastery to find our personal expression of life which leads us to love.

Ex Inanis asserts the world is a function of consciousness — God’s, ours, others — all of the above. It responds to and forms in adherence to conscious choices and exists at the behest of its creator’s. Miracles, magic, and other spooky things can & do happen.

The world often speaks to us, but we have to learn how to listen, which is both a skill and a state of being.

This not a polarized universe. Polarity is a lie. There are only decisions. There is a buffer to reality that obscures the choices you have made and we often disempower ourselves freely.

We will explore the nature of this buffer — which is rooted in a denial of our choices — and how to overcome it.

I have broken down the core principles of Ex Inanis into the Seven Truths.

I should take a moment to note: You should not become fixated on seven, five, or three, or any other number. These are convenient abstractions of higher truths that we utilize to keep our consciousness on the path we intend. We live in a world inundated by math, but math is a tool, not an altar. The foundation of the universe is will & consciousness, which are not governed by deterministic systems.

I call this work a love letter, because it is not meant to be a bible or a doctrine, but an expression & exploration of living truth.

The Divine Three (God)

This can best be understood as God, cosmos, “everything & nothing”, source, or the “purest concept” of consciousness. Use whatever term resonates with you.

Paradox (Potential)Memory (Time)Sovereignty (Love)
This is best understood as “potential.” It is a state of being that can be anything, waiting to be chosen.This is the record of “all choices” ever made. Imagine this as every choice being made in a single moment (the “eternal now”) and the whole wide universe “updates.” Nothing is ever destroyed or forgotten.This can be considered the synthesis of the Four Pillars. The better you master the Four Pillars, the more sovereignty you have. The more sovereignty you have, the greater “potential” you have and the more “love” or “flow” you will experience.

The Four Pillars (“I” / Qualia)

The four pillars are directly concerned with your experience or qualia. Each one flows with the other dynamically and together they represent “you.” Imagine this is a surfboard that you are riding across the cosmos for all time.

While the will cannot exist in isolation, will is the “observer behind the senses” which can also be understood as the “decision maker.”This is the record of “all your choices.” This is much bigger than your current life. This is the eternal continuum of your existence beyond life & death.This is your perception of Paradox (God.) Your limitations are what create the apparent world and who appears there.This is your connection to the divine. It is the fire inside that guides you to your next state of being. It is your inner-voice or “conscious.” The less connected you are, the more chaotic your life will seem.


(Anti-Life, The Demiurge, The Devil, Separation, The Rent, The Buffer)

This site is called "Ex Inanis", which in Latin would be "from nothing", "from empty" or "from inane." This might be considered the deliverance from the Nothing or the Nonsense, or "creating from nothing" or an aphorism for "being."

In short, The Nonsense might be understood as "everywhere you have misplaced your will."

The more you disown your own choices, which include not just physical actions but thoughts, emotions, how you react and even the unfolding of the physical world -- the more Nonsense you create.

Start your descent into madness by reading the blog.

  • What does natural mean?

    The best definition of natural can be summarized as: ‘a measure of distance from God.’

    Now, what do we mean by distance?

    God is your immediate scene. The context. It is life. Your immediate qualia. It is everything that is derived from “you.” It is all around you and everything within you. The seen and the unseen. This is Unity, or the practice of unifying everything you experience — the physical world, the mental world, the subtle (invisible relationships, definitions, meaning) and other people — as “one.”

    When you understand this Unity, then anything that imposes a weight upon it can be considered a distance. In order to have experience — in order to impose some sense of order upon the cacophony of omniscience — we must impart these weights. Weights might also be considered judgements, or boundaries. The way you experience a flower is a collection of boundaries.

    You must have a concept of perspective — seeing behind your eyes — a sense of physical distance — the space between you and the flower — the texture of the petals, the scent, the shape — are all boundaries that are required for you to have an experience. There are more subtitles that are hidden here as well like disowning a part of your will to allow a sense that the flower is ‘not you’, that allows the flower to borrow your will to grow and so on.

    The more you align yourself to God, the more you must get out of the way of yourself to express God. Some misinterpret this as ejecting the ego, but if you do not recognize your own role, your own will, how can God?

    The natural world is considered natural because it exists without conscious intervention. It is “organic” meaning that it arises on its own — there is a foundation before our interaction with it. A house requires a foundation, walls, a roof — which require materials taken from the natural world, which require work done upon them to be turned into the intended form. This is “distance.”

    What is the distance between a house, for example, and a computer chip in terms of ‘naturalness’? This is always measured in terms of the story something requires to exist. This must be differentiated from story that is imposed after the fact, and the story that is inherent. There is nothing you need to know about a flower for it to exist. It just does.

    On the other hand …

    A computer chip requires significant distance — it requires rare materials (which require mines, specialized equipment, etc.), specialized factories (and their dependencies), the dependence of electricity which has thousands of physical dependencies — and we haven’t even begun to address the mental dependencies because this technology requires a very particular “philosophical” orientation to come into being before it ever arrives in the “physical world.”

    Whereas a house might just be considered a cave with some leaves and branches.

    The description of the physical world is inescapably a subjective evaluation — a “story” for which the collective chooses for its best interests from which the “objective” illusion is created. But the natural world is before this “evaluation.” It does not require it — it “just is.”

    Thus the cave would be considered very natural and the computer chip would seem very unnatural.

    Does this seem obvious to you? Perhaps, but have you considered the ramifications it has upon your consciousness? Your spirit?

    The more distance something is from God, the more weight it bears upon your soul. The more effort it requires to maintain. The more altars it requires for sacrifice.

    I call this fixation, but we might also call it density and in either case we can consider this distance as a loss of ownership, or a loss of will. You are in a constant state — a spiral, if you will — of resolving back to your will. You are always “throwing your will out” and then catching up to it. This loss of will creates a buffer which requires time to resolve and it creates the experience we call life versus an experience we would call abject chaos.

    You can experience a closer state of the fundamental universe in dreams where there is less order, but both your waking reality and dreams are the same place. Let us say that the expertise of your soul is that which creates a stable interface for which you impose your particular brand of order upon the universe. This is your “waking reality” when you bear down on the chaos of the universe as only you can.

    Some manner of fixation is required to have any experience at all. It is your decision how far you want to throw this will away from God. This isn’t a singular decision, (nor is it an ethical one) but an eternal continuum of decisions. You are deciding how “dense” you want to become. There is no wrong answer here, but there are inherent absolutes baked into the nature of the universe for which you cannot escape or ignore and it is possible to become lost.

    The heavier you are, the less will you have (the farther away you have thrown it), the more time you experience and the slower your decisions — your will — takes to resolve. It will feel as if you require more work in order to obtain any results. In fact, the more dense you become, the more automated reality will appear to you — that is, your reality will start to resemble the inside of a computer — because you are investing more and more of your will into your physical world to see your will fulfilled which requires more external automation versus immediate execution (and experience) of your will.

    This is why the world keeps getting more automated, but it seems like no one is getting more free time. It isn’t malicious or nefarious, it is inherent to how fixation manifests and must play out.

    Denser realities always proceed along a trajectory that makes them resemble computers because this is the “natural consequence” of designing an unnatural reality. It is a reality that gradually destroys potential in favor of creating certainty of outcomes because it is fundamentally based in fear.

    The further along the spectrum of fear you travel, the more you reject higher concepts like faith, surrender and compassion, because these require being comfortable with unknowns. Compassion is inherently allowing others to be even if they may hurt you, which also requires inherently trusting (another higher concept) yourself to overcome.

    Your natural will is instantaneous and immediately done. Consider that carefully. This is always true, even now, no matter how “slow” or “fast” your reality appears to you. If you are imagining anything at all, then it already exists. If it didn’t, you couldn’t imagine it. The space you hold as your “invisible mind” is just another story that separates you from this immediate will.

    You are already being swept along towards the focus of your will right now.

    Let us return then to the concept of naturalness. If you value the faster execution of your will, you will place tremendous value on living as naturally as possible.

    Consider eating fruits & vegetables versus eating something that is processed & packaged. What have we learned? By opting for the ladder, you willingly choosing to invest in a story which tosses your will out a greater distance. Thus your body requires more effort to convert and digest the processed & packaged food in order to return it to you as your own will. This “inbetween time” you experience as physical symptoms that arise within the body, whether they are simply uncomfortable digestion, or actual disease.

    Similarly, do you live in a house of concrete & metal? Then you are opting to “hold space” for unnatural materials, which do what? They weigh your soul down. You “feel” this in the coldness of the metal, or the “deadness” in things like plastics. You must learn to recognize that these are not just the textures of these materials but real energetic signatures which indicate the fluidity of your will.

    Do we want to achieve teleportation? Then the collective must learn to gradually value cars & planes less — which indicate that we value the experience of putting ourselves in metal boxes and “traveling perceived distance” as an experience — over simply “being there.” When we begin to cultivate our environment back to God, we are putting ourselves back to our natural state of immediate will and reality will begun to miraculously come up with excuses (stories) to close distances.

    How do you feel about eating meat? Uh-oh, I hear your groaning … but don’t jump to conclusions here.

    I am not here to sell you on a diet. I am here to demonstrate how we interface to God. We are interface designers and each one of us has a unique interface that will not work for anyone else. We are designing an ideal interface to God that allows us to experience a purer and more elevated reality.

    So what story does meat tell at this density — at this level of fixation? Meat inherently contains the story of death and suffering. Thus the soul must transmute these stories whenever it is consumed. We have not achieved a level of mastery where we might consider meat like a video game character — as a free-standing story — where meat requires no dependence — where it just materializes out of thin air because we are so integrated to God that we do not need “explanations.”

    No, our soul still requires explanations. We require too much verisimilitude — we are not prepared to disregard the origins of something and just accept it “as-is”, like the color blue, or what a laugh feels like — so we must take responsibility for the history our soul has valued to this point. We cannot reject the reality which derives from us without creating a state of resistance, which creates repetition as the denial is simply recognized as a “re-investment” from the perspective of the universe/God. But we can release and gradually let go of these stories through their recognition.

    In this context, we cannot fool ourselves from where meat arrives. The story is “too heavy” to simply discard, much like attempting to deny the sun rises. An animal must be killed, skinned and cooked. Honor and respect can expedite the transmutation, but the process must occur regardless and continues to perpetuate a reality that must consume in order to exist which is unavoidably a lower and less coherent state of consciousness. It would be better to avoid these stories altogether if we value purifying our will.

    I am not here to advice you to become vegetarian, but rather demonstrate to you how you are creating varying levels of fixation. You are not going to hell because you eat meat, but whether you are compelled by ethics, health or — as I am — the greater coherence of life & God — then we are doing ourselves a disservice by assimilating complexity rather than simplicity.

    The topic of diet is a complex one — the stories we have about food are as important as the food themselves. A carnivorous diet may be the path to enlightenment for one, or simply a stop along the road that is required to unravel particular stories someone has about where their personal health derives. You must understand your relationship to food in order to unravel the story upon how it affects your health. It is not universal. It cannot be dictated by authorities — only advised by other’s experiences.

    So do not go throwing out your chicken because I may have convinced you that meat is “dense” — you must skillfully discern how to raise your fixation and not haphazardly make major alterations to your personal paradigm. You need to understand why food creates health, or destroys it. I will have some more articles about food & diet in the future, but it is not nearly as simple as meat is bad and veggies are good — I have simply used this as another example to highlight naturalness.

    When you come to understand this concept, then you can probably think of many other examples. Consider, for example, how convenience creates distance, because what is convenience except a soft version of automation? And what is automation but a warning sign of fixation where will has become its own kind of boss making all sorts of delayed demands of your time? Automation is a chronic breadcrumber.

    Would you value a cellphone more, or simply a telepathic transmission? Does the internet help connect you to people — or does it simply “hide” them from you so you can deal with them at your convenience? How does this impact their realness to you — or their artificialness (their naturalness)?

    Would you value consuming food for your permission to live or simply exist where food is another source of joy? Does consuming food add value to your life, or does it create a source of fear to you? Is a packaged meal really more “convenient”? What is the story you are writing with this “food convenience” which tells yourself that food is a chore, or a dead weight so you can get back to — what? Living? How does investing in the devaluation of life create more living?

    Would you rather live in rows of geometric cubes stacked on one another, or a Hobbit hole? Do you know the difference between lively and busy? One feels as if it contains life while the other is simply dead movement. Does a city feel lively or busy? Does a forest feel lively or busy?

    What feels better — waking up without an alarm clock, or with one? Do your fondest memories resolve around schedules or spontaneity, randomness and the unexpected? Are your relationships with people best when they are predictable and rote or unpredictable and surprising?

    Note, technology does not have to be unnatural. Rather, naturalness should be understood in terms of how it enhances coherence, or destroys it. We must learn to ask whether technology brings us closer to God — or if it moves us farther away? Is it a tool — or our master? Do we become more connected (less dense, less fixated) or less connected (more dense, more fixated)? Maybe forcing ourselves out of our natural rhythm is a bad use of alarm clocks, but I am sure we have all used one to bake a pie.

    Consider that all of life is a spectrum between total free will (God — omnipotence) and determinism (physical reality — no choices.) Your job is to create an acceptable balance between the two. It is up to you how you wish to organize it.

    Consider carefully how much unknown or potential you value versus how much known or predictability you value as these correlate precisely to God and physical reality with you caught in between. God is what is natural — the origination of all things. Everything else is a “percentage of God.” Consider this also: 100% Natural God is the same as 0% Natural God. You can be neither without terminating all experience, which is a state of Nonsense.

    What kind of world do you want to live in? A natural one — or an unnatural one? Do you have a specific ratio in mind? It is up to you. I know my answer.

    That’s enough for today.

  • Stay True, Stay Safe

    NOTE! As I have warned many times, do not get caught up on words, or semantics. Look beyond. You can substitute the word vampire in this article for a lot of other words like “lost soul”, or “unawakened.”

    You can also substitute God for Source, The Force, the cosmos or universe, the collective — there are lots of words that may be more suitable to your understanding.

    God is not stupid.

    God does not allow those who are in abdication of their throne to affect the realms who are sitting on their throne. The entire world will bend and break and contort so the realm of a King and realm of a peasant will never interact. You only become a peasant thinking you need to take someone else’s crown, because you are born with a crown — you are born a King. It is your own foolishness that tosses the crown away so you can pretend to be a peasant.

    Whether you believe this protection between peasants and royalty (a word that is too indulgent but gets the point across!) is divine — as in guided by angels, ancestors — or inherent to the nature of the universe and is something we must all learn — it is immaterial. Both result in the same place and both perspectives are valid/valuable.

    If you want to play peasant, that is your choice, but try to imagine how the life of a peasant will be conveyed to you — overwhelming oppression by your environment. How else do we define peasant except by its context? A peasant is meaningless in a void. The individual unit and the context are inseparable — this is your beginning to understand how this is not dualistic or polarized universe. Everything is unified, so carefully pick what you are choosing to express.

    It is important to remember that “spaces do not conflict.” What you see as a world outside of you is more like a quilt that is stitched together and the seams are hidden from you. You draw an arbitrary line between the physical world and dreams, for instance, when there is none. You think that point A will always lead to point B, but the path itself is just an expectation you are holding within. Consider also this knowledge in your own inner relationships. See the “inbetween” rather than the “ends.” Train yourself.

    I will talk about hidden mechanics in future articles, but for now let’s stay on topic.

    In order for realms to interact — that is, for you to meet The Other — one of two things needs to occur:

    In scenario one, both realms need to be running amuck, meaning no one is on their throne, so both parties are acting as agents of Nonsense. In this case, this match-up happens because it must — it is an actualization lesson. Both parties have invited each other to their stages without awareness.

    To better illustrate this dynamic, let us consider the role of the vampire again because it is so poignant. The vampire sends out a “casting call” for victims. Victims sign up because they don’t know any better ; they do not have the discipline or the sense of self to control their “willful investments” or to “resist the call.” They are driven more by their external worlds than their internal worlds. But both parties are failing to resist the call, because they have abdicated their thrones. Will is not being violated, it is just being used to omit itself.

    In truth, both the vampire and the victim are interchangeable. The victim can be the vampire and the vampire can be the victim. And often the roles switch. Remember, this is not a polarized universe, so it is better to think the two people in this example embody both roles at the same time, acting as mirrors to themselves and each other. The words we use here are less important the illustrating the dynamics of individuals who have fallen off their throne. The one in charge here is Nonsense — the devil, “rent”, separation, ego, and so on.

    The instinctive vampire thrives on knocking people off their throne. They are wild animals looking to create prey by spreading chaos which causes others to become dethroned (or as I sometimes say, “de-base-d.”)


    1. to reduce in quality or value; adulterate:They debased the value of the dollar.Synonyms: defile, pollute, contaminate, corrupt, vitiate, lower
    2. to lower in rank, dignity, or significance:He wouldn’t debase himself by doing manual labor.Synonyms: reduce, demean, abase, degrade

    A victim does not become victimized overnight, but rather by mis-investing its will continually via a state of confusion induced by debasement — loss of authority, low self-esteem, no sense of self, etc. This mis-investment will usually take the form of anger, resentment, or any emotional state that results in disownership, disempowerment, and so on, which feeds vampiric connections and keep you “debased.” Confusion is the wrong word, because the victim does not believe it is confused. It is simply missing critical sensory information and boundaries for which the vampire preys upon.

    The animal-like sense of these vampires induces them to trick prey into subverting their will. The easiest way to start to comprehend this is to understand that everyone is telepathic. Yes, you are telepathic right now, you just don’t know how to “hear.” OK?

    It takes actualization, or great knowing of the self — your unique, moving expression of God — to begin to understand where these lines are so you can hear yourself and hear others. Then and only then can you see the stage clearly enough to say “no” and reclaim your own power.

    The vampire lacks these skills entirely and considers all feelings and all thoughts to be its own — this is a great article to read that is not my own — not realizing that it is the very “grand ownership” of all these things that cuts them off from the universe or real people and throws them into their own private hell.

    When Nonsense is at the wheel, there is ONE destination. Nonsense creates a kind of gravity well, or a blackhole — it is the fixation, which I have talked about before. This fixation results from an obsession with the “scene” which drags the person into deeper and deeper pits. This blackhole resembles collectivism but that is the after-image — the byproduct in the physical. This is spiritual, or psychological, because reality “comes after.”

    The blackhole is often represented by the undead, robots, bugs (and cyberpunk dystopias) — because it represents a total loss of agency — think the Borg. They become more of a force of nature, rather than anything consciously directed. The farther along one is on this path, the more physical they become, to where they have more in common with rocks than humans.

    Again, whether one believes it is guided, or inherent to the process of becoming interfaced to God, those that possess more Nonsense than Sense will act as catalysts to each other to make them “wake up.” This is where when we are still stuck in duality we believe the world to be a kind of mirror. It is a mirror until you realize you are staring in a mirror — then it is about executing your own expression of life.

    God will give you sign after sign to turn you to the righteous path. That is — coherence. Harmony. Balance with the universe. God will smack you upside the head with terrible suffering before rebooting you, because it is such a waste to start over.

    In scenario two, realms can connect because all parties are situated on their thrones — meaning, it is like ships docking, rather than ships colliding. Co-creation and cooperation become emergent properties of sovereign self-expression. They are not enforced from the outside, but spontaneously rise from within from all parties. Compassion is chief amongst the requirements to create this “docking” procedure.

    Those who choose to wake up realize that “compassion is the key” — while those who fail to wake up — that is, those who indulge in vice and excess and depend on others to interface themselves to God to “dump their garbage” — realize that “exploitation is the key.”

    It is important to note that this should not be taken to be dualistic, because it is not. Life is, and anti-life “is not” — it is not an opposite — it is the absence of life. A glitch, because life just exists — it can NOT not. Understand? An attempt to “stop life” is the beginning of Nonsense. Attempting to stop life means rejecting that you have free will.

    You can say God has a sense of humor by “humoring” you when you decide to pretend you do not have free will by allowing you to effectively to descend into deeper levels of hell until you have had enough.

    Attentive readers will note that many religions and philosophies have similar hierarchical depictions of heaven/hell that greatly resemble a “spiral.” Something to remember in the future, as it isn’t a coincidence.

    Life is too complicated to label any one thing as “good” or “evil” but rather understand that there are many patterns that destroy life our connection to God.

    Folks who have been steeped in Nonsense for a long time become vampires. Even vampire-victims are just vampires-in-the-making. These are people who have more or less rejected their agency in favor of living in an highly evolved instinctual manner, like animals.

    As the vampire descends on this path, more and more people in his life will become shadows. That is, even if there was once a real person behind the shadow, the vampire’s complete dominion over these people displaces any actual being they could exhibit in the vampire’s realm. The vampire has no use for being — the concept is omitted and so reality follows suit.

    In real effect, he is creating actual “xeroxes” of people in its realm up to and including actual death of these people.

    The vampire is like a gamer who prefers to play with bots than with real people but doesn’t have the slightest inkling they are choosing to do so of their own free will. They earnestly believe they are in the “same world” as the rest of the universe while they continue to play in “local mode.” They are totally oblivious to the multidimensional nature of the universe and how God is protecting the rest of the universe from them in a kind of self-imposed quarantine. Their “user interface” — their own life paradigm — strikes them blind.

    Vampires are playing a game within a game and their entire functional paradigm is about creating games within games.

    The more extreme the vampire goes to assert this dominion, the more people with being will leave, and people with non-being — who represent the vampire’s fears, shadows and demons — will surround the vampire. These people are the vampire’s own will returning to him — trying to come home.

    From the perspective of the people who the vampire has ejected, the vampire will appear to die to them ; while from the vampire’s perspective, they will appear to become subservient to him. Both realities are happening.

    Remember, we are all having our own dream. The first requisite to dreaming with “others” is to grant them compassion and agency, otherwise you are asking God to forbid it. This isn’t just an intellectual thing, but must be fundamental to your philosophy of life. If your paradigm preys on being and agency, then you have omitted these things by proxy. God is saying: “OK, play by yourself then, you aren’t hurting my other children.”

    The vampire does not understand that there is no difference between the physical and the dream and has opted to actualize itself via turning its realm more or less into a nightmare — where people are not real, because it does not value their being, or their independent agency, because it terrifies it. People represent the unexpected, or potential, which the vampire omits in favor of more order and more determinism.

    The “waking reality” of a vampire resembles a non-lucid dream, where everything is always turning the vampire into a victim. Hence, why the roles are interchangeable. The vampire tries to regain control by investing even more of its own will outside of itself.

    As far as I can tell, vampires will create “dens” of subjects by creating connections for which they will use as transmutation vessels. Or perhaps a group of unawakened people is just a ‘co-dependent social circle’ if that is a tamer way of conveying the concept to you. That is, their victims, who don’t know any better, are transmuting feelings and thoughts that are not entirely their own while they just live their normal life.

    The vampire can then live a life, even remotely, of total excess, while doing no actualization work (this is synonymous with rejecting God, or your own free will, by the way); they effectively create garbage disposals out of people for their own “anti-life” lifestyle. Projection, blame, excuses — but there is a real and spatial-irrelevant mechanic hidden from you that impacts everyone involved. This is not some kind of magic, but a kind of twisted abuse of inherent universal design. It is doubtful the vampire recognizes these mechanics, because they trigger like wild dogs when their source of food dries up.

    When the vampire has driven all the “real” people from it’s realm, they will face a terrible crisis. They will find that their entire interface to God is a house of cards. The vampire will attempt to reclaim the people they have ejected, only to find out one of the following: they are “hollow” — meaning the soul has left their bodies, they are always at an unreachable distance, they are beset with insurmountable obstacles or errors that prevent contact, they follow the vampire’s will like narrative devices — Yes-Men who feel like they are puppets — or they are actually physically dead.

    To really understand how deceptive reality can be here, you really must be willing to throw “yourself” — that is, the role of your Earthy self — out the door. An “obstacle that prevents contact” could be a harrowing inner-state of mind that compels you to self-isolate, but the effect is precisely the same. Or it could be a series of strange obstacles that really test whether you mean it. Do not underestimate the “narrative” reality can produce to convince you, because you are simply convincing yourself.

    None of these problems can be rectified without compassion and allowing others to be — as well as forgiveness and recognition of one’s own role in disowning itself and its choices. But the vampire cannot do this easily — because this represents a level of surrender which is like causing a dam to break. It is admitting to a crippling vulnerability that it needs to be exposed to allow The Other to be — that also needs to be healed, because it has been mangled, which also requires trust. All of these are virtues & concepts that are “locked away” on purpose via the fundamental mechanics of the universe.

    The vampire is playing a dangerous game of boomerang, trying to throw its own will farther and farther away.

    As the vampire’s source of energy collapses, they will find they have done nothing to create a relationship to God. Their health will collapse in on itself because the body’s health itself is dependent on God — on a stable and clear channel which allows it to emanate. This is actually a forced awakening, kind of like being stuck in a smashed computer monitor, but a soul may be so far gone that it will have no choice but to reboot — aka, die, wipe the slate and start over with a better intention.

    God has designed a universe where the “trash takes itself out” to ensure that no soul can trap another soul (including your own! God saves you from yourself!). The more you attempt to circumvent free will, the more your own will be taken from you. The vampire will continue to invest into the material realm thinking that this is where his power is, not understanding he is losing it more and more and inverting himself until the physical world becomes his master.

    A vampire may one day find a scenario where they have created a kind of singularity situation for themselves. If too much of their “food” leaves, or dies because of the vampire’s excess, the vampire will lose control and be caught in its own black hole. The vampire so far gone will find there is nothing they can do once this occurs except surrender and hope they have enough will left to survive the reclamation and avoid a reboot. Should the vampire continue to struggle, this is like a Chinese finger trap — it represents even more loss of will.

    Isn’t it fascinating that out of all the crew, it is Data who can’t figure out the Chinese finger trap? This is because computers, like vampires, robots and bugs have no concept of surrender, faith, and other higher concepts required to get out of the trap.

    Surrender here is essentially “repentance.” Repentance cannot happen so long as the vampire continues to seek out sources of light other than its own — other than a link to God. This is not an overnight process, as I can personally attest. It has taken me 30+ years to really get in touch with the universe/God/myself and it requires constant practice. I have also undergone my own terrible suffering and repentance. Imagine someone who has forgone this process altogether?

    Does your money seem to come to you as a result of your passion for life, or service to others? Then you either consciously know or intuitively know that “money is part of the scene.” When you understand unity, then “all is one” — the money is an extension of the expression you produce.

    Does money come to you from rigorous schedules, exploiting others, whipping yourself, working dumber rather than smarter, or otherwise from a sense of fatigue or exhaustion? Likely, you are walking the path of the vampire. You have placed the value of money above yourself, and so money becomes a point of inversion — a fixation — from which you are sucking yourself dry. The world is what is sucking you dry and the more you blame the world, the more it sucks you dry and forces you to concoct more elaborate measures of dominion.

    As Ra speaks about and as I have spoken about, there may be a very narrow path of actualization along the path of the vampire, but your life would likely resemble something out of a horror show, where you are the big bad monster thinking everyone else is evil. Your life would resemble constant strife, as this represents a kind of juggling act of “throwing away your will” faster than it returns to you. Not recommended.

    It is critical to note that Nonsense will speak to you both in “reality” and dreams because there is no functional difference. In “reality”, Nonsense will breadcrumb you and attempt to subvert your will by a thousand cuts. Nonsense can and will speak through other people, as Nonsense is essentially can be considered a kind of “dead collective.” It is sort of a chaotic noise underneath the universe that always exists. The clearer someone has a connection to themselves and God, the less “noise” will be on the line.

    In dreams, Nonsense is quicker, more matter of fact ; anyone who has had a nightmare can attest.

    Remember, folks. Vampires cannot reach you if you do not agree to play a role in their play. You agree when you give into anger, resentment, or victimize yourself. Vampires do not have agency. Religion used to call these people “possessed” for a reason.

    If you want to become an exorcist — which is very noble because there is a real soul lost underneath Nonsense — don’t learn elaborate recitations and slap people on the forehead with holy water — become the best expression of yourself. Seriously. You affect people just by existing. Double-down on whatever you love to do. Nonsense effing hates it. Love becomes a horrible torment for people’s Nonsense because it forces their soul to see it.

    Your job in all cases is to remain calm, peaceful and untriggered while staying hyper-focused on your own joy and expression of life, no matter what attempts to derail you, or whisper in your ear. It is to surrender and have faith, because you already know yourself. You are “right there” before any thought occurs to you. You “know” exactly what you want right now and need no words to express it. Just stop there and go! God will be with you.

    You only stop knowing yourself when you agree to doubt which cracks open the door for Nonsense, who is a professional breadcrumber. Don’t believe me? Well, you just introduced doubt, didn’t you? And now you are arguing. You need to train yourself not to argue, because you are “before argument.”

    Arguing just empowers Nonsense to track you down. Don’t give Nonsense a map, OK?

    That’s enough for now. I’ll try to bring more clarity to these issues in the future, but I wanted to get something down. Out!

  • Live Like an Immortal

    How do you make your decisions? Do you plan for tomorrow? Do you consider yesterday?

    You shouldn’t.

    You already know everything you need to know right now. The moment you step forward or back — you have become lost. Much like the moment you argue with anything or anyone — you lose.

    Tomorrow doesn’t exist. Today depends on tomorrow — not the other way around. What you do today does not produce “tomorrow” but what you expect for tomorrow DOES produce today, because tomorrow is just a story you are holding in your mind. That is how the illusion of time is created.

    It is the heavy burden of yesterday & today that creates the “sequence” of your “now” experience that is so misleading. It is the expectations of this sequence that keeps you moving from one page to the next, rather than skipping ahead or changing books.

    Reality does not divide neatly into yesterday, today, or tomorrow, but the rising of the sun & moon, the tracking of calendars and the outputs of clocks give clever devices to fooling you. When you sleep, you loosen the reins of your iron grip for a little while on this game you are playing and let the universe play with you a little more freely.

    When you understand that numbers on a clock and the sun in the sky are part of a “program” deep within yourself then you understand your entire experience is “you.”

    All of these things produce expectations, habits and motions in which you continually repeat “sequence” even when the sequence no longer serves you, or turns into suffering. It creates the “buffer” of reality, like a boomerang you are throwing in every moment. But the throwing of the boomerang is the mistake in the first place — not a design to glorify.

    You are the clocks, the sun, the moon and the stars. You are the land, the houses, the people. But they are also themselves and they join you at your request. And they are everywhere and nowhere. You are what is happening on the “computer screen” of your experience that unfolds in the boundaries of your senses, including what unfolds in the privacy of your mind.

    With this apprehension of Unity, time loses all meaning, because in the totality of “you” time loses the context it requires to work. When you remove the stage, what does time measure? Time requires a start and an end — an introduction and an epilogue — but you have no such thing and are no such thing.

    Only “segments” can be measured. Only stories that require sequence, because time is just a coordinate between two points — a reference. You are imposing this upon yourself because you value this sequence — this stability. But continuum and sequence are not the same thing and an immortal chooses sequence when it serves him and discards it when it does not — while maintaining his continuum.

    “What” is deciding to maintain this continuum over sequence? That is the real you. It is silent. It does not speak. It does not think.

    Time is part of the “scene” like a leaf on a tree. The time has a meaning, just as the leaf has a meaning, but only in the context of the story that it appears within.

    Time requires an agreement of a “place” to monitor — it requires an agreement of segments and divides — of history and expectations. But what happens when this agreement is broken, disregarded or discarded? What happens when this agreement is offered from different perspectives — different people? Then the stage becomes interchangeable. And if the stage is interchangeable then time is just part of the scene, like a tree standing in a field. You cannot perceive the tree without the ground and the background. It is just paint on a canvas.

    A clock becomes merely an interchangeable photograph, measuring nothing but a memory, or a place or description in your imagination.

    If you go to work everyday at the same time — say 6AM — is it that you are responding to the stimulus of the alarm clock going off at 6AM, or surrendering your will to a “play” in which you feel the sensation of waking, getting dressed and driving to work? You are not the scene and the “time” is part of the scene that you keep agreeing to play out. You are behind the scene. Your sense of agency & lucidity come after, because they are already baked into what you “are” and they are forever and constant.

    It is just as fake as arriving sharply at a theater production at 7PM and there is a clock on stage as part of the story that reads 2PM. Neither the clock on stage, as you watch in the audience, or the clock you used to arrive at the theater is any more real. They are both part of the same scene — YOUR scene.

    An immortal does not give a second thought to the idea of tomorrow, because the immortal is completely aligned to his expression of life and what he wants to experience. And so this aligns him to others of like-kind. To spare one moment worrying about tomorrow opens the door to creating delay — to misusing your will in a way that creates extra time for yourself.

    The plan? You already know the plan, because you can only do what you can do right now. What else could you do? You must rise from bed and live. You must make “decisions” whether this is to sit still or move forward, or dwell on the yesterday or tomorrow that don’t exist. You do not live in the future — you live right now.

    What do you want to do?

    You could say that it is an abuse of your awesome imaginative power to do anything but engage with your immediate reality because you already know what you want to do if you simply stop procrastinating, rationalizing and arguing with the “devil.”

    Tomorrow means you are distrusting yourself to “get there.” You already know what you want and how to execute it. So why the doubt? Your doubts create additional explorations of time which you have to burn out. They create anchors — debts — that have to be paid. Karma is simply the effects of your own will you have forgotten about. Your will that have you have disowned that comes to remind you that it is yours with a slap in the face.

    Dwelling on the past is like worrying about last night’s dreams. It is already gone and cannot touch you … unless you agree to let it. Unless you reinvest in it, like — what? A habit? A behavior? A responsibility? An obligation? The strength of yesterday is another story that you value because it creates higher highs and lower lows.

    You should learn to keep what you treasure and throw out what you do not — but most humans are conditioned to throw their trash in the same place as their treasure — their “One World.” They do not think to return their trash to the cosmos — to the universe — to God. To just “let it go” as if it no longer existed. No, the trash “lives on” in the one world — rather than in the mind of God (the universal library.) It becomes “historical.” It lingers there, lurking, needing explanations, needing attention, needing resolution — perhaps even demanding.

    But there is a difference between history and remembering. God does not forget. Only a human writes history because he wishes it to be part of his story — to influence him — to bind him. And history is fallible and God’s memory is not.

    And this trash — perhaps once treasure, perhaps valued by others, it is not meant to be an evaluation from any perspective but your own — haunts you because you have not truly let it go. It is there — buried under the surface, because you still think you “live” in the world, right?

    You “live” in New York, or Tokyo, or California, or England … right?

    No, you do not — because you read this blog. You understand you are “behind” your senses, or even behind the observation itself. You “are.” A player does not “live” inside the computer monitor when he plays a game. This isn’t about “ego.” This is you understanding that what happens on your “monitor” is yours. The players playing the game may move pieces on your screen but even if they piss you off, you cannot punch them through the monitor — you only hurt yourself.

    You have not earned the right to call yourself a player. You can’t turn the game off. This is the work that we do — that I do. We are working backwards from the mind of the player. If you keep trying to jump out of the screen, or punch the screen, you will never escape. You are just Mario going from tube to tube. Just … lean back and see you were playing all along. Put the controller down.

    Death is not this end. Death is a change of state — but death is not enough. You must choose your own change of state. You must choose your own “death!” But you have probably given away this power too — letting the world decide how you should die.

    Again, how do you make decisions?

    If you work backwards and are living in the ideal world — how do you make your decisions? This reveals the character you must embody for yourself. You must “fake it until you make it.” You must learn the behavior & the mindset even if it seems unreachable or crazy.

    You must live in your ideals as a full-time job. You cannot compromise, because this sets you back. Because your soul — your spirit — will remember and will carry your decisions forward. And what is the span of a single life in comparison to that of eternity?

    Do you visit doctors? To prescribe your health? Then you have disowned your will and given it to these doctors to play out the experience of being “treated.” And that is fine — it does not make doctors evil, or wrong, or unhelpful, only that you value this exchange — this drama — more than you value retaining ownership over your health.

    You place value on the experiences of being “sick”, being “treated” and “recovering” more than the suffering it would take to overcome these stories for good. You have decided you are not strong enough to prove that your health is in your own hands — you simply do not believe your will is this powerful and well — so it is (not that powerful)! So you need tests and pills and time. Your flesh must knit and your bones must mend.

    Where does Mario go when he “dies?” Nowhere, because Mario can’t die anymore than you can.

    If you do not value this drama, then why engage with it? A fear of suffering, perhaps? Understandable — most of us cannot maintain a perfect record of choices and I am not an exception. But it is persistence that makes us idealists, not perfection or “mistakes.”

    What you value can — and should — be dynamic. You should not put yourself in a straight-jacket.

    You say, well, everyone gets sick, or everyone dies, but you are still thinking in terms of a single life. What if you thought in terms of many lives? Or one continual life that never ended? Have you actually ever experienced being “dead?” How do you know you will die, then?

    Would you still compromise if you had to make decisions for more than one life? What does your mind look like now? How much more gravity do decisions have when you know every decision may delay peace, or extend suffering? There is a saying: “If not now, when?”

    Why do I push creation over consumption so hard on this blog? Because you “are what you eat” and if you do nothing but eat, then you are consumption. And if you understand the discussion above — that you are the whole world — then the whole world is EATING YOU because you are EATING YOURSELF.

    What is the only thing an immortal has to eat? His own continuum. You can’t stop being immortal, but you can forget it. You can victimize yourself and play pretend. You can become lost. You can mistake yourself for the sequence instead of the continuum ; the symptom, rather than the cause.

    Just how dependent is your life on “the world?” How dependent is your mental sanity? Those “dependencies” are where you have hidden away your will. Why do you negotiate? All you have to do is confront them.

    If the expression of your “physical” body is entirely dependent on the stories you are holding within (because it is), when do you decide that you have had enough “terrorism” holding your health hostage? Are you not wasting your time in comfort & complacency by letting something other than your immediate will decide?

    What do comfort & complacency cost you? If they cost you anything, they are too expensive.

    You don’t need to believe in “reincarnation” to understand the incredible value of living as an idealist. It takes around 5-10 years of jumping off the deep end within a paradigm to show tangible progress. Yeah. That long.

    Try not to consider this an expression of time, but expression of how tangled stories require unavoidable resolution. Can you boil water without first putting water in a pot and starting a fire? These are stories with hundreds of little dependencies, rules and expectations — not things that “require time.”

    As soon as you measure these things with time, you are creating a boundary. You are creating a reference that didn’t exist before you measured it. The reference itself has a feeling or expectation of duration and you are giving yourself a noose.

    Why do we talk about concepts like surrender, faith, acceptance? Because these destroy time.

    Apprehension and intellectual understanding is woefully insufficient. It doesn’t get into your bones without obsessive contemplation, practice, and persistence. You have to go “all in” as a true believer before any crops yield.

    Anything less keeps you in the same place. Your intellect and ability to understand is useless. Your soul / spirit does not operate on that level. You are not a computer no matter how much you pretend. You cannot “reach” the soul with just brains. And so approaching spirituality as an academic will get you exactly no where.

    Or you can just keep being OK with what is comfortable to you. It has worked out for (likely) thousands of years. But I didn’t create this website so I could go along with the “status quo.”

    Making decisions as an “immortal” or for your own eternity often means making decisions that are uncomfortable rather than convenient. It means letting go of aspects of yourself that make it easier to remain stuck in repetitive cycles. It means breaking boundaries that you may be holding onto for dear life.

    Does that seem like common sense or cheap wisdom? Pop psychology? No, it is a question of scope. Are you making decisions with the expectations of living for another day? Another month? Another year? What does your mind look like when you are making decisions as if you will never die? As if time is irrelevant? As if this is just one never ending story? Can you handle living like that?

    Even if you know a story will take 1000 years to unfold, do you start to work on it — or do you say screw it, because your impact is too little, or you aren’t certain you will see the results? Do you just become a “dweller” who convinces themselves they are content in their cave? Perhaps you are a little more awake and decide to “coast” instead — developing a kind of stockholm’s syndrome for letting the world bully you around.

    If something seems dangerous or even life-threatening, do you do it and decide to retain authority over your death, or do you choose fear — and allow something else to decide?

    Are you confusing a certain threshold of suffering or pain with “death?” Can you remember having ever experienced death? So how can you speak so definitively about its inevitability? Have you considered it is your belief in its certainty that erases your mind — breaks your continuum — when you feel “life is too much to bear” and your back breaks? That you have disowned this “drama” of death for you to experience something impossible?

    Here is a riddle for you.

    Though you can never have it, you can give it
    When others have it, they can’t keep it
    If you ever receive it, you won’t know it

    What am I?


  • MVG & Lighthouse: How does vampirism work?

    Be sure to read the prior article: What is evil? since I posted both of these at the same time.

    This post is considered highly primordial and is being placed in a special “experimental” category. It is still in development. As always, use your discernment and never victimize yourself.

    To understand vampirism, there are quite a few mechanics of this world that one must understand. I will attempt to give a high level overview here, but don’t expect to understand this all at once. Again, as I spoke about when I started this blog — the blog is meant to be taken as a whole. If a piece gives you an ‘aha’, then that is great — but the understandings I am putting out here are incomplete in themselves.

    First of all, vampires do not understand they are vampires. As we talked about in the prior article, Nonsense has no agency. Those who are indulging in vampirism have no agency but are more “possessed of Nonsense.” There is a reason the vampire is “undead” — because it has no life. It is false life. An abdication of the throne — an ejection of God. They are letting the natural energy of the cosmos run wild in their realm but have a basic structure of “ego” that allows it some kind of animation or structure that is deceptive.

    The natural state of a soul is unconditional love, because that is the “root of God.” Then there are “layers on top” that allow life to be expressed. Some of these layers produce Nonsense, or anti-life — these are patterns we talked about in the prior article. These prevent souls from using their agency.

    One must have a basic understanding of the idea of the True Self, or what I call MVG — or what others might call Nirvana, Christ Consciousness, Enlightenment and so on …

    You are the observer behind it all, making Decisions. It seems like this should be a simple concept to convey, but physical reality makes this impossibly hard to teach people.

    It is a little easier if you can accept the whole world and your physical experience is coming from you. I call this Unity. It is not outside of you. This will ease your understanding a little that you are like a person sitting behind a computer, watching a kind of interactive movie play out.

    Even if you can grasp this concept, your inclination will likely to believe that The Other is “separate” from you or has no influence upon you if they are not within your actual physical presence. I have learned the hard way …

    This is not true in the slightest.

    In fact, you are arguing with and making decisions with other people constantly non-stop. And their lives are impacting you not just in your head, but in your physical life and health (yes, your physical body — deny it at your own peril), as well.

    There is a layer of reality that is hidden from you because your awareness is insufficient to comprehend it. But if you work at it, you can grasp this layer as a human. You can acknowledge this layer and begin to learn how to navigate “blinded.”

    What confuses you is that you think “other people” would argue with you with thoughts, or words, right? But no, they are working with or arguing with you through energetic exchange which takes place behind the appearance of the physical world. You effortlessly comprehend this exchange (you detect it as emotions, feelings, and thought), but your awareness has been stunted into thinking this exchange is something that it is not.

    When you are weighing or deliberating in your daily life, you are conversing with … everyone. The closer you view the connection, the more powerful the influence. Time & distance does not matter. An ex-lover or childhood friend can both have a powerful influence even if you haven’t talked to them in ages. What matters is the boundaries, stories and importance you are holding for this person.

    And you are making decisions based on this energetic-translated-into-language-exchange on how to manage your own realm. Your realm, or that which produces your physical, visceral, lucid experience of life — is contained in what I call the WAVE — I also call it the WELL or the POOL.

    The Wave contains all the stories that are moving towards forever resolution. What most people do not understand is that this Wave also includes PEOPLE.

    That’s right. Your Wave is mingling with other Waves, most likely without any protection whatsoever. I know, gross, right? Trust me, I do not approve of this situation — but it has been deduced from years of introspection, reflection and cross-referencing with real world experience & dreams.

    Your energy is killing, screwing, partying and god knows what else behind your back, because energy in itself has no agency. Your dreams are clues on what your energy — your spirit — is doing when you release the reigns. It requires training, like a child. This training is done by you through your Decisions and through what you keep in your WAVE.

    The longer something is kept in the Wave, the deeper it settles down — deep down — until it becomes part of what I call the MVG — or the “Minimum Viable God.” These are deep aspects of the soul that transcend all experience and stay with you.

    So, this process that occurs in the background — this exchange of energy where alliances are made and broken — is what is “coming” to you. It is hidden or protected by the “buffer” of reality that keeps it out of your sight. But as the Buffer resolves (moves forward), the exchanges that take place in the WAVE start to manifest in your life.

    Again, this exchange is energetic. As you juggle your feelings throughout your day, you are essentially conducting a kind of spiritual warfare with how to determine your own reality. Warfare is harsh but true — and the enlightened soul strives to end this warfare by finding the right modalities to reduce suffering and ensure the integrity of everyone’s kingdoms. But this reality will eat you if you refuse to pick up the sword.

    I equate this exchange to the MATCHMAKER found in video games because that’s what it does. It MATCHES you to compatible storylines (some people use the word timelines.) I will talk more about the MATCHMAKER in the future, but I want to focus on vampirism in this article.

    So where does VAMPIRISM come in? Vampirism isn’t real, right?

    In the strictest sense, vampirism isn’t real. But in the practical sense — the sense of how it viscerally impacts the reality we are forced to deal with — it is ultra real, because our limitations allow us to injure ourselves and others derive a kind of sustenance from this in a bizzaro self-deluded kind of way that hurts both parties. Informatively, we may as well consider vampirism real, because the impact is has is real and solutions to it are the same either way.

    Let me see if I can explain this.

    What is critical to understand is that the vampire is at a LOWER LEVEL of consciousness. It does not understand what it is doing. It has has such a high investment in the material world, that it will go to great lengths to make sacrifices to this world and reap rewards from it — including other people.

    The vampire does not sacrifice other people with intent, because intent is reserved for those who have agency. Rather, it does so because it thinks it “has no choice.” The vampire derives pleasure or energy from the suffering of others, although it will not admit this. In fact, the vampire will vehemently deny that it is causing suffering or that it derives its own source of energy from this.

    Similarly, the vampire worships the material altar, because it believes this is where it derives its energy — aka, consumption — excess experience — sex, drugs are low-hanging fruit, but anything can become a material excess and thus become a place where GOD is ejected.

    If you confront a VAMPIRE, it will respond with pure ego. That is easy enough to understand. You will receive defensiveness, bile, narcissism, gaslighting — anything to avoid having to look at itself. A vampire is an expert at making you doubt yourself because the vampire is the literal embodiment of the doubt of self. You are looking at something that has no self or a poor sense of self.

    In this context, what is “energy?” Energy is simply the ability of the vampire to execute its will. It believes it must SERVE this altar in order to use its will, even though it does not see itself as a servant.

    Will is endless, as it is a gift from God. God has infinite power to give us and it is always available. It is our own stories that stifle, choke, or hide this energy.

    VAMPIRISM occurs when we write a story where we believe we must derive energy from a source other than God (or ourselves.)

    Unconditional love — an expression of God — is where all will is derived. We can express this power to other people, but not all people are prepared to receive it. Some people cower from this expression because it reveals flaws in themselves. It is like putting a mirror in front of them. And why do vampires not show up in mirrors? Because they refuse to see themselves.

    When this refusal to see themselves occurs, they abdicate their throne — they disown their will — they eject God. They run towards whatever vice or altar they believe they need to reclaim their power and reclaim control of their life, because they live in a constant denial of God — of their own will — of anyone who possess such will. It frightens them and they flee from it. Again, a vampire cannot stand the light.

    It seems like vampires should be easy to avoid, right? But those of us with an excess of compassion and tolerance are easy prey for vampires because we have poorly developed boundaries and we find it difficult to say no. We want to help. It physically pains us when we have to deny love because it is not our natural state. But a vampire will not understand your sympathy or compassion because it is incapable of doing so. It is operating at a lower state of consciousness — not because it is malicious.

    We may even have righteous reasons — we may believe we are helping, or attempting to cure the vampire. But the vampire does not care, not because it is malicious — but because it simply has no awareness of what it is doing. To become angry with a vampire is like becoming angry with the sun rising.

    To fall victim to a vampire is when we offer unconditional love and have a poor sense of our own self. If the vampire is not prepared to receive this love, then a twisted sort of connection can start to form between people who are both “lost in each other and themselves.”

    In some circles, this can be called a CORD, but there is no real CORD because this would be a free will violation (an absolutes are absolutes for a reason). Rather, I will use a lighthouse as a shoddy example … Apologies, I am terrible at this.

    Imagine your soul is like a lighthouse. You can open and shut windows within the tower and light comes in. You can also shine light “outwards” from the top of the tower. The tower itself represents the boundaries — or lack thereof — you have within yourself to the “greater cosmos.”

    When you meet a new friend, or a lover, you install a new window in your lighthouse so that you may exchange light — to allow light in. The light comes in and settles into the ocean — the WAVE — around you — and your physical reality “updates.” You can call this a CORD but there is no actual CORD.

    Now, remember when we talked about MATCHMAKING? About how you are in a constant energetic exchange with other people? As you go about your daily business in your lighthouse, you are picking and choosing where to shine the light of your tower. And every window that is open within your tower is giving you suggestions.

    Now imagine everyone is also in a lighthouse like yours, choosing where to shine light. By the way, you are making exchanges with people you have never even met “in the physical.” Yep. How else do you think that you meet anyone? An agreement is made far in advance of when they appear as a kind of energetic magnetism.

    These suggestions, of course, come both from yourself — but also from the lights of other people. But this does not have to happen in the physical realm. You do not need to have any verbal, or physical exchange — not a phone, or email, or anything with someone to be getting these suggestions. They are coming right through your open windows.

    Now — if you are unaware that this is how reality works, then you may imagine what kind of damage we can do to each other through these energetic suggestions. We are all guilty of this. Every last one of us. You will believe these suggestions are your own.

    So, now imagine that you are oblivious that the light coming into your tower is not yours and one of these lights scares you, or argues with you, or otherwise makes you second-guess yourself. You may feel the need to entertain these suggestions or resolve them somehow, so you direct your lighthouse towards the origin of the suggestions because you want to know more.

    Every time you do this, you are dumping energy into your own WAVE. Again, the Lighthouse is in the middle of a vast ocean which is YOU. And the light is creating energy without end wherever you direct it. This ocean — this WAVE — is what creates your physical experience.

    So, in your mind, you are telling yourself — this place where I have put my light is important and is a source of energy for me. Keep in mind, without the proper awareness, you are probably doing this without realizing you may be arguing with a friend, a family member, an ex-lover — whatever. Without ever speaking to them in your waking reality.

    But that is exactly what is happening, because that is how reality is stitched together. This hidden exchange is how you determine what will appear in your reality. In effect, this is similar to law of attraction or “thoughts create reality” because it is far more true than you can imagine. I will talk more about this when I write about the matchmaker.

    The issue is your disbelief that THE OTHER is impacting your realm in this fashion, but they are and they do — and your belief is not required. The less you believe, the less boundaries you will erect and this is where vampires thrive.

    A highly evolved vampires is one who understand these mechanics in a kind of unconscious manner, like an animal with instincts. And they know how to create “trauma bonds” that allow them to feed on Others, even if they will deny it. They simply see it as the way of things.

    This knowledge is probably passed on also through trauma — so do not fall in the trap of hating or judging the vampire who is just another human that is suffering and is acting out what is has learned. You must rise above. Vampires must cure themselves. I will not talk about how I believe these trauma bonds may be created because it is too unseemly for this blog, but when you understand that consciousness creates reality — then when is consciousness the most vulnerable?

    They can use these bonds to try to ensure financial success or well-being by pairing their offspring with a victim. In this case, the best victims are loving people with poor grasp of boundaries.

    A determined vampire will “argue” with you from any distance because they are inherently obsessive creatures. This need not be a malicious obsession, although it could be. It could be a loving obsession, or it could be a childlike obsession. It could be a competitive obsession. Anything.

    What do they say? A vampire must knock. And it does. They cannot come in without you answering. But you are likely answering all the time because you do not understand that this vampirism is not occurring in the physical realm but in the MATCHMAKER — the energetic realm. A loving nature is like a beacon to vampires because a vampire is inherently looking for God’s love to reclaim its own will.

    But a vampire doesn’t “look” so much as it is drawn to you, like a moth to a flame. It does not have control over itself. It is desperately looking for how to come back to God through you when you express unconditional love — but it cannot find God by devouring you — it must find it within.

    Be careful of vampiric suggestions both in the physical and the energetic — your dreams — your own mind — because they will argue with you like Nonsense does. They are doppelgangers and you will leverage your own weaknesses against yourself. Vampires are charming not because they actually possess this skill, but because you know yourself better than anyone and all it requires for a vampire to bypass your defenses is an energetic suggestion you take as your own. You write your own horror story. You buy your own bullshit and open the door. It doesn’t need to know anything about you. You can identify these suggestions because they inherently animalistic (lack agency — they have no intent or love behind them.)

    Most vampires have no idea they are vampires. They are just broken people who rely too much on the material world and covet sources of light — OTHERS — that are not their own. They do not understand these sources of light are not theirs and so if they are removed or disturbed, they become almost carnivorous because their lives begin to topple around them because they have constructed a kind of house of cards around a source of power that was never theirs.

    The greater problem, though, is this: when you, reader who is not a vampire, lack the awareness of what is happening, you can “recreate” the vampire’s lifestyle in your own life and thus become even greater victims of the vampire. This is how vampires “turn” others.

    When you are going about your business in your lighthouse, you can “detect” how someone else is living their life — but again, without this awareness — you will assume it is something that is YOURS.

    If someone eats poorly, has lots of vices like sex or drugs, and you do not have the right boundaries you can “feel” this energy leaking into your tower. It will not make you do these things — unless you choose to — but you may be in a constant state of warfare, wondering where these energies/suggestions are coming from. You may be so worn down by the fight that you do engage in these things as a way of relief and then you are in the process of turning into a vampire yourself.

    You may actually pick it up as an urge for sex, an urge to eat bad food, or even symptoms in your body. You may experience it as fatigue, a lack of energy or drive. Even if you resist these energies, the resistance itself can cause problems because you are not actually putting up boundaries — you are just “arguing” with the energy and basically giving it power.

    The vampire, in turn, senses this struggle (which appears as unconditional love, because that is what you mistakenly directing at it) and derives pleasure from it. It sees it as a source of food — a source of where to reclaim its will. It is making the same mistake as you are — it is mistaking YOUR light for its own.

    When you make this realization and put up boundaries, the vampire will lose its mind because it can no longer control its life — it had a fake story that relied upon your light to be able to utilize its own will. Before the light is removed, it does not comprehend how it was relying on your attention (your lighthouse’s light.) But when the light leaves — perhaps a forgiving, patient, loving voice now absent from a mind mired in materialism and ego — it is left in the dark of itself and sees YOU as the problem for leaving.

    The vampire feels the energetic absence when you create a boundary and its world comes crushing down upon it, because it lacks the paradigm/infrastructure to God to support itself and so falls into chaos/disharmony.

    Note — strongly — I am focusing on the negative spectrum here, but you are also in positive relationships that provide suggestions of support, comfort, love. Those are the ones you should empower, as it will bring more of those things into your life. Those are agreements you are making right now with other people and situations. Be willing to receive these.

    You will be tempted to blame the vampire for your problems once this revelation is made, but this is pointless. You cannot violate free will. The vampire did not make you do anything. It is 100% your fault. You simply opened the door and then “bought” the story that the vampire was suggesting, like a bad salesman. All you need to do is … close the door. And retain your awareness in the future so that you do not abdicate your throne.

    Your problems will not disappear overnight. You must reinvest your will into the things you want and stop engaging with the vampire. The WAVE is still subject to the buffer / time and it must be “cleansed.” This is a natural process because you will always re-align to “God” when the poison is removed.

    There is no actual “cord” to cut as is popular in some circles — but rather, you must recognize that a kind of “stage play” is being done in your realm and it is up to you whether to buy into it. The vampire does not have the agency to recognize this and will act like an animal — unlike you, enlightened reader. Right?

    Close the door on your vampires and move on with your life. That is how you starve them out. There is a chance once this is done they will show up in your life not long after — but having this apprehension may protect you from them finding you in the physical world. Do not dwell on them. Consider them like a forgotten dream.

    It is fascinating how accurate vampire lore is to how real world mechanics (may) work. (Ex Inanis is after all a work in progress.)

    Reminder, fellow Exanians … always cultivate. Focus your efforts inwardly. Never pillage. Never force the external world. Never rely on the external for your well-being.

    That is enough for now.

  • What is evil?

    Evil is in the word itself — inverted life. Anti-life. Evil is what I call “Nonsense” because this is what evil produces — nonsense, the inane/insane, chaos, anti-creation.

    Evil is not destruction. Evil is not death. Evil is not “negative” — like wrath, or envy. Evil is not the opposite of good, or the opposite of positive.

    Evil is that which breaks down the coherence of consciousness. It produces patterns that displace or remove the ability of life to exist. It is a kind of glitch produced by attempting to create an impossible state, or the confluence of states that are incompatible — thus creating a space for evil.

    It is not easy to point and say: “That is evil.” Evil requires skillful discernment, but when one begins to comprehend the basic requirements of life, it becomes easier to identify the things which cause life to suffocate.

    Stagnation is often an indication of evil, for example. Excess is also often a hiding place of evil.

    If I had to summarize evil, it is the abdication of will. When one steps off their throne, evil sits on it. This is a spectrum and not a binary. You can “partially” abdicate.

    Come get some.

    But let us be clear: evil has no agency. Evil is anti-agency. Evil does not think, or plan, or strategize. It does not experience. Experience happens *to it.* Evil victimizes itself. It is how you “try” to experience pretending you do not have free will, but this creates an impossible state which creates “glitches” which you experience as a breakdown of reality.

    As soon as you begin to see enemies or adversaries, you are disowning your will so that you may experience these challenges and opposition. If you blame, judge or ridicule others, you have fallen off your throne and allowing evil to play — and evil will always create chaos.

    Evil is not capable of creation because creation requires the presence of you — of your will — on the throne. It can, however, pillage your library (your experience, your memories, your hopes & dreams) and become a kind of doppelganger. Undead.

    People who act as obstacles in your life are always examples of your own evil coming out to play and being reflected back to you, whether it is because of inadequacy, or because you unconsciously think you deserve punishment (“karma.”) You cannot escape your own verisimilitude without doing the work to unravel it. This is not being done to you, but rather a byproduct of your own choices.

    Since the Earth realm is constructed with a kind of “buffer”, evil has a lot of places to hide. Evil often manifests as unlikely obstacles in your life, random chaos, or sudden bad turn arounds. It can easily be represented by people turning on you out of the blue, or unfortunate events. It can manifest in your body, depending on the stories you are selling yourself.

    A reminder that nothing is physical. There is no physical realm. Your waking state stabilizes the human collective as a place you think is Earth and it is upon Earth where you project your inner play.

    Evil is not the work of spirits, or devils, but the incoherence in your own consciousness. Evil represents a flaw in your paradigm where your will is not executing right — where “energy” (the pace or thrust of the story) is becoming stagnant, or blocked, resulting in repeating and decaying patterns. Bad story that results in victimizing yourself. Loss of ownership.

    Earth exists in what I might call fundamental reality. Fundamental reality is a step above abject chaos. It is held together by our fledgling consciousness which have established orders and patterns which impose a consistent lucidity upon the chaos of creation. These create confluences which you might call “planets” or realms which the collective has agreed — in a unconscious/non-awakened fashion — to share and uphold.

    Fundamental reality is inherently a kind of mirror reality, because you are always writing stories at the “apex” of your ability. That is, all the things and all the people that appear there are perfectly fulfilling your expectations (even the ones you hide from yourself because you don’t want to look at them). Because of this, Earth would be considered a kind of lower realm, because it is heavily subject to the flaws of imperfect consciousness rather than operating from a more established universal paradigm (aka “heaven.”)

    To be clear, because this will confuse most people — “The Other” is not exempt from this process. Most of us have a strong belief that The Other has independent agency, but that is just a story you value and thus impart to the actors in your story to make it more believable for yourself.

    If you believe people are boring, they will be boring. If someone makes you angry, it is because you are writing a story to get yourself to experience anger. If you want to experience love, you need to write a story that allows you experience it. If you have people that attack you, it is because you are seeing enemies or fear for your safety.

    The further you awaken, the harder it will be to ignore that The Other is somehow “part of you” as they will have an eerie habit of perfectly reflecting whatever is on your mind or what is going on in your life. If you wish to achieve a higher degree of unity with your qualia, you will have to learn to integrate with The Other in harmonious ways.

    Note, this is a strong reminder that free will cannot be violated. Removing agency simply creates puppets in your own realm. Not recommended. Your intent should be to understand why it is important for the Other to retain agency and “be.”

    The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to “a level of respective incompetence”

    Reality is not hierarchical, but we impose hierarchy upon it in order to create a stable experience for ourselves to grow and create a more stable consciousness. In other words, some people are smarter, some are stupid, some are middling. There are “more good people” and “less good people.” We create spectrums in order to play. The broader we are, the broader the spectrum, the broader the challenges and the more dire the need becomes to have a better personal paradigm. You may find a critical need to narrow your spectrum to protect your sanity.

    If everything was equal, there would be no diversity. No life. Void. So “sameness” is an example of evil when taken to extreme, or an anti-life pattern. Similarly, too much diversity creates raw chaos.

    You must understand you are the absolute master of the universe. You are just a master of a small, limited universe, because that is the best you have achieved. But you can take comfort in this, because this also means there is nothing “better” than you — other than God — because of that same “Peter” principle.

    You are also responsible for creating a cogent paradigm that creates the experience you desire and this especially includes how you value others and their role in the fundamental fabric of reality.

    We will talk about spirits, guides and “higher beings” in future articles, but I will leave with this warning: be careful who you allow to backdoor your will. Do not submit to “terrorism.”

    Any prison you create for yourself can be undone, because you already have the key. Any boss can be fired. There is no being that can simply swoop in and abduct you out of your realm, unless you surrender your authority to such a concept. There are no angels or devils that can mislead you, other than your willingness to be mislead or to disown your choices.

    Remind me to write an article on deception, because deception is also something we create for ourselves. It is exhausting, isn’t it?

    Evil can be considered like a “layer” on top of you, or another. Some might try to conflate it with ego, but this is misleading. The more one has disowned themselves into the “physical” world, the more evil they are likely to possess and will act in greater and greater abdication. Materialism is the leading cause of “Pilot Error.”

    Without this evil, you would find the “MVG” — what I call the Minimum Viable God — the wizard behind the curtain. It is your true self who only acts when they are firmly situated on their throne.

    When you can reliably identify evil, you can read people like books, because you can see everywhere they have hidden away their will. Identify someone’s altars — their masters — and you can see all the strings which they puppet themselves. You can see everyone’s prison. The true self reveals itself when it “has no masters” — when it is free. It feels like love.

    Ex Inanis is about creating a structure for the “ego” such that we can remain in a non-stop flow state by having checks & balances that catch and destroy evil as an almost automated process.

    Evil is often expressed through parasitism or vampirism, which is rampant in the human collective.

    To understand vamprism, though, we need to understand more about what I call the Minimum Viable God (MVG) — or True Self — Christ Consciousness — Synthesis — and my Lighthouse example, which is the next article.

    Until next time.

  • My Little Fox

    This is a tale about a man lost in a labyrinth of endless mind, imagination and shadow with no way out.

    You bound into my life with a dazzling fire and illuminated the dark place that I dwelt. I chased after your fire, terrified to leave the place I reluctantly called home for so long. I did not know what I was doing and I did not care. I felt foolish and embarrassed.

    I was mesmerized by your light. I could not pull away. You brought such vibrancy to the world that I could see, if only to stumble. I was not afraid to walk when you were near.

    You banished the gloom and my heart warmed, my eyes softened and I could feel again. But I did not know what to do with it.

    I saw how my darkness let you rest from your own nature. You could curl up in my lap — just for a little while. You could set aside your cleverness, ease your paws and just be without needing to be anywhere. But you were always drawn back to where you came and I grieved every time you left.

    You came to visit me again and again and we celebrated this odd partnership that seemed to come out of nowhere that we could not define.

    But ultimately it was a dance we could not keep up.

    You wanted me to keep up with you, but I feared the forest. I leapt, and ran and jumped, but I did not have your grace. I fell over and over again. And I was afraid of your fire. I needed you to cool your flames for just a little while so I could hold your hand — but you did not know how.

    But we tried anyway. Over and over. And we burned each other. And even though it burned, it seemed right. Every wound was secretly a blessing. It made us happy, even though neither of us could recognize it. We were healing something, but we didn’t know it at the time. The happiness that we covered up with pain kept pushing us forward.

    We were too wrapped up in the choreography, rather than surrendering to the dance. We were under a different spell that whispered in our ears. How long have we been under that spell? It feels old — ancient — beyond our recollection. It kept us in two worlds.

    I was determined to learn how to become fireproof, but you were just as determined to honor your fox spirit and run free. I let myself be burned and you kept coming back trying to dampen the flames.

    Neither of us were wrong. Neither of us were right.

    You wanted me to see you. And I wanted you to see me.

    I wanted your fiery freedom. You wanted my pale peace.

    I could not give you what you wanted. And I could not give you what you wanted.

    But we both gave each other exactly what we needed.

    We danced and danced until I could dance no more. You were too fast and I could chase no more. And your fire sung you a song you had to follow without me and I knew I had to let you go.

    Your light left my forest, so I slowly surrendered back to my place of shadows. There I would spend another eternity in sorrow, wondering if a light like yours would ever return to me.

    I tried to find other lights, but they were just wisps ; phantoms ; they faded whenever I came close, never really there and I just ended up getting more lost.

    But do you know, I wonder, that you gave me everything? I kept a bit of your fire. I studied it. I coveted it. I got angry with it. I despaired over it. And then I realized it was showing me what I hated about myself. And that is when I learned love it.

    And when I did that, it came to life. It sang. And I wept in joy. It was like you were with me again.

    In time, I started to learn to create my own fire. I am terrible at it, but I could banish the dark just for a little while — just a little bit at a time — like a firely — so I could move.

    I have to gather together kindling, wood and it requires much effort, but I can create a light. Not like you. You burned like a star. It was your nature that you couldn’t contain.

    And I got better and better at it until I could light the way out of my shadows and see through the thick wood. I moved from camp to camp, sometimes forgetting where the last camp was — getting lost all over again — before I learned I could carry the fire. And slowly I found a way through the trees.

    I did not know the whole time I was following you or using what you taught me.

    I’m not as bright as you. I must make the fire anew every time. It is not my nature. My darkness snuffs it out ; it cannot get enough and I am always in a constant battle of attrition. It is always an argument. A fight. But I can walk now. I can see. You freed me.

    I think about you all the time. I wonder if you took a bit of my shadow with you? Did you never learn how to cool your flames? Are you as much a victim to your own fire as I was, still letting it consume you — take you whether you want to go or not? I just want you to be free too.

    I long to be by your fire again. I want to put down the torch. I am weary. What secrets am I hiding? You showed me who I was even when it was hidden from me, even as I refused to see what you made plain.

    I finally found my way out of the forest. I am standing here, with the horizon before me. The world is here in all of it splendor, going on forever. It is an open prairie with the dark woods behind me. I no longer fear them, but they are no longer my home either.

    But I am lonely. I want my fox by my side. But she is not here and I hesitate. I look at all this beauty and I can’t help but feel it seems like a burden.

    I hate picking up sticks. I hate rubbing stones together. I hate carrying the fire. I hate that I have to accept this hate otherwise I can’t pick it up and move it. I hate the person I was even more and I must honor the person I want to be and that I have fought to be. Where do I go from here?

    My heart calls me to go forward, yet also keeps looking through the trees hopping to spot you.

    My heart says wait forever. My heart says I must go on. I cry, because my head cannot find a bridge between the two.

    I use the smoke of my feeble fire — a hazy imitation of you — to send signals. I look into the bush and call out to you, hoping you will hear my voice and follow it. I play music, thinking of you. I gather wood & keep the fire of my camp burning so the light is always here for you, even though I am exhausted from doing this ritual so many times.

    If I return to the forest to go looking for you, will you run from me again? Will I rob you of the shadow I have given you? Will I take away your triumph of finding your way out, too? And then will I lose you forever? I am terrified by this.

    Have you figured out yet that we were the sea & the sun? You shone the light into my bottomless depths, and I quenched your endless fire.

    The hawks, the robins, the cardinals, the little chickadees come to me sometimes. They whisper to me that you are still out there, thinking of me too. They tell me to wait. Do I trust them?

    I think, maybe, if I leave this place, can I leave you a trail? Maybe if I leave tracks, little sketches on rocks and trees, messages in bottles, will you find them? And find me? But if I do, will I be too busy looking backwards to see where I am going?

    How do I honor you now but to say I love you and always will? I shout it into the forest. I love you.

    How do I tell you that you are prefect the way you are? That you can’t run from your own fire, just like I can’t run from my own shadow? Are we to be the sun & moon constantly chasing each other but never together?

    My heart just will not let me go from here. I cry. I laugh. I look up at the sky, wondering if you are also looking. And I am learning that patience is a gift you have given me too.

    I breathe. I let the darkness seep back in. And I temper it with the ephemeral fire I have built, even knowing that it will go out again. I will despair again when the darkness takes me and I will have to rekindle the spark once more. A ritual I know well now.

    There is an unsteady but warm peace knowing that I can do this — at least. I can do this.

    So, I think I will continue to wait here. The weather is nice. The birds are singing. The flowers are blooming. My heart is like the clouds in the sky when I think about you. I feel grateful. And there is plenty of firewood for when the night comes again.