
This is the main category of the website containing all manners of my own personal philosophical, spiritual and esoteric knowledge.

Unity & Co-Creation

So, now I will reveal the true nature of co-creation (as I understand it.) There are a few pre-requisites we need to go over here. Let us review UNITY as I define it again. UNITY, in this context, is the unification of all of your experience. This includes your five senses, your thoughts, your feelings,

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The Mirrored Path

From where does your light originate? It originates from God and nowhere else. Each person is their own tree of life. Suffering begins with this denial. Suffering is when branches reach into other trees thinking they must shelter them, or shelter themselves. Suffering begins when you seek out sources of light other than God’s, from

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Stay True, Stay Safe

NOTE! As I have warned many times, do not get caught up on words, or semantics. Look beyond. You can substitute the word vampire in this article for a lot of other words like “lost soul”, or “unawakened.” You can also substitute God for Source, The Force, the cosmos or universe, the collective — there

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Live Like an Immortal

How do you make your decisions? Do you plan for tomorrow? Do you consider yesterday? You shouldn’t. You already know everything you need to know right now. The moment you step forward or back — you have become lost. Much like the moment you argue with anything or anyone — you lose. Tomorrow doesn’t exist.

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