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Welcome to EX INANIS

This website was created to serve as a catalyst for personal growth. It is an ADVENTURER’S LOGBOOK that I use as an excuse to fill up with content & experience.
My heart has always been drawn to the visage of the ADVENTURER as portrayed in roleplaying games, comics & animation. So much so that I endeavor to model my life after the ultimate expression of the adventurer — the renaissance man, the knight errant — always on the move, helping those in need, but valuing freedom among all else. A kind of self-contained world that is carried within.

I have benefited so often from others sharing their experience that I feel compelled to do the same. It is time for to give back to the world as best, and often awkwardly, as I can. I hope you can benefit in some way, even if it is small, from the content I share here.
I have lived a largely reclusive life and have had to spend a great deal of time learning (and unlearning) about things that have held me back. I have uncovered some important secrets about the world that I work hard to clarify so that I may share them with others.
This website is my self-created MENTOR — a moving bridge from where I am leaving and where I am going. If you feel like you have been living in a world that is a little too small for you, then perhaps you found this website for a reason.
What are some essential things to expect from this website?
I consider the places of the physical world and dream world to be the same place, separated by own our expectations. The world derives first from within. There is no inside or outside, there just “is.” |
Our physical expression, including our bodies and the world itself, derive from consciousness first — we do not arise from our physical environment, but are one with it. |
I believe in the UNITY OF EXPERIENCE — that we are part of the the entire scene of the life we experience. I endeavor to live a life that is in congruence with this UNITY — where life arises ORGANICALLY without ARTIFICIALITY. |
We are all immortal beings creating greater expressions of life (you might say creating greater expressions of GOD, which is just fine.) |
We can inadvertently cause great damage to ourselves & our collective(s), which creates states of existentialism. |
We are more intimately intertwined that you can imagine and there are many layers of this reality that are obfuscated from you. |
A more enlightened world is possible, but it must arise within as one of both self & other — it cannot be imposed from the “outside.” |
The universe is not cyclical because it is moving towards a finale, but because it is an eternal moving window — a forever adventure. |
When I created this website, I did so to pull myself out of some dark circumstances. Since then, the concept has evolved and now I am moving away from heavy and dense philosophical and esoteric discussions that are suitable to a very small audience and hard to digest.
That brain bending content will always be part of my life and this website but will no longer be the face of it. Such content will be found under the Mastery section.
This site is broken down into categories.
Everything is a work in progress.
Fun | Fun, relaxing content. Pick this if you want to laugh, chill, or unwind. If I can transform stuff I like to do into interesting content to share, I will put it here. |
Artwork | I am an aspiring artist. This isn’t necessarily completed work, but a place I use to encourage me to practice. |
Life | Touching grass. Anything to do with the “real world” but from my lens. |
Shop | Stuff you might like. Or not. Your support is appreciated, regardless. |
You want more? Then there is one last place you can go …

The giant wooden doors creak closed behind you. You find yourself standing before a labyrinth of shelves, sprawling in all directions. These baroque bookcases covet dusty tomes, books, scrolls and haphazardly tied together parchments. Towering staircases are the only roads to their peaks, which tickle the edges of a vaulted ceiling high above. An old, musty scent caresses your senses and beckons you deeper inside.
Content warning. Secrets of the universe. Where most of my content is born. Primordial. Stuff you shouldn't know. Don't go here unless you are looking for serious answers about yourself or the world. This content is not meant to be consumed casually or without honest intention to work on yourself. There is a reason I am focusing on more digestible content.
Go here if you dare, otherwise check out some other content …
State of the Garden (January)
Sorry for the quality of photos. The camera on my phone is a little wonky.
Most the “bushes” you see are arugula. Arugula is a peppery lettuce that is super low in oxalates and quite tasty for making salads. The little green sprouts in the front are lettuce.
My second pumpkin patch. The other one died. This one is doing better, but I think I have some sort of mold that I am not sure how to treat. I am happy it at least got this far to see some actual pumpkins developing.
I planted cilantro a couple of years ago that went crazy. Now every year I get cilantro everywhere in my yard. I primarily use mine in detox shakes, but of course cilantro has lots of uses.
The left is a small lettuce patch. The right is my immortal Jalapeno tree. Well, hopefully immortal. He’s sort of just hanging on right now.
These are the first tomatoes I have raised from seed. It is nice to have fresh tomatoes in winter.
A poblano pepper.
Some of the arugula.
That will do it for now.