To someone(s) who needs to hear it

To whom it may concern:

Suffering is a choice.

There are no debts in life. You should know this, because I suspect you may have a background in technology. And it should make it easier for you to understand how a computer does not understand yesterday or tomorrow. There are variables that produce a repeating state that is rendered for you frame by frame. You are the one deciding what is the next frame — you are not the frame.

The system is always balanced — it is always on. This is your own immortality which only you can deny, as well as the eternity of the cosmos. Debt is a ridiculous concept.

Your soul is just like a computer that must be programmed. Just expand the scope of your understanding beyond “being behind your eyes” and instead unify your entire experience. This shouldn’t be that hard for you to understand.

If you program your soul to produce garbage, that is what will be rendered into your life — your entire world, including Other people, not just the 20 feet around you that you can perceive. Your five senses, your mind, the idea of the world “out there”, the Other, past, future, meanings, definitions, relationships between all things — everything. You cannot escape the “factory” of your reality, but you can control what it produces.

I sense that you are confused about your own sexuality. You have very likely suffered sexual trauma in this lifetime or past lifetimes that you are here to address. I suspect you are avoiding the work and are blaming me for your woes. Anger, resentment, denial are all issues that need to be released.

I am not gay. I will never be gay. I have nothing against gay people, but will never be in a homosexual relationship or do homosexual things. Never. And if that is a shock to yourself, I honestly suggest you consider what that means for yourself. I am comfortable with my sexuality. Are you?

Trust me when I say that I understand we are not our genders or avatars either. It is not for you to know or decide what my objectives for my soul are in this life, or any life.

We all have traumas and I do not blame anyone for mine. I always take full responsibility for my experience even when it involves suffering. You understand?

Your ego is causing you to project “unprotected/ungrounded/uninsulated” your desires, confusion, frustration and more onto others and this is why you and those you are unconsciously inviting into the same drama are having a bad time. You are projecting a lot of them at me, yet I know they are not mine, so they wrap around right back to you. The “blocks” you experience in your life are because of this misdirected/wasted use of your will/creation ability. Victimization — denial — suppression of God’s unstoppable light.

God already knows everything you do in your life, because we are all connected to God — creator — Source — the Force — life — the simulation — the physical world — whatever term you want to use that gets through to you. It is the “universal database” that contains all knowledge, all history, all memory and is eternal and infinite.

Where the soul differs from a computer is that hacking and hijacking are forbidden. In fact, they are universally despised by all consciousness everywhere because you are attempting to usurp or overthrow God, which cannot be done and instead just create suffering which impedes everyone’s progress across the whole cosmos. Hacking violates the most fundamental of fundamental law of the universe which allows life to exist at all which is free will.

I do not mean for this to sound accusatory. Violate is not the right word, because free will just is.

Hacking is a literal declaration of war against God & life that can never be won or fulfilled. How else can I express this? Hacking is so forbidden God will concoct elaborate plans — from your perspective — and come after you no matter how many lifetimes it takes to stop you, because you are immortal and doing this to yourself.

Acceptance, repentance, forgiveness are all things that begin the healing process. You do not need to go to an organized religion to do these things for yourself. You do not need to study any bible. You do not need to go to a confessional. You can confess to yourself/God in silence. These truths are built-in the fabric of the universe as they simply describe fundamental functions of intention/energy and how it has no other choice but to work.

We are all blind wisemen (limited beings) deciding how to describe the same elephant which is God.

A hacker is throwing a tantrum and trying to unplug God, which is completely impossible to do. The entire universe will rally to uncover hackers not to “correct” it but because it is like pulling the corner on a bed sheet to get your way — it just tugs the rest of the world to crush you. Like pulling on the tale of the elephant to get at, hurt or control one of the other wisemen on the same journey as you. The elephant just stomps you instead.

Do you know why Satan resides in the Ninth Circle of Hell in Dante’s Inferno which is rendered not as fire, but ice? Because this represents a rejection of love, or God, or connections. You are denying yourself love, as well as God’s love, by attempting to bypass the will of another. It is pride so potent that omits its own existence or connection to itself.

It creates an abdication in yourself which makes you lose world stability and power and isolates you further and further — like being put on ice. You will feel cold, loveless, abandoned, distant and like a frayed wire or like you are holding ice that burns because you are so far from God that it is just “static.” These are actual things you will feel!

Why is Satan alone in the Ninth Circle? Because he is hyer-fixated. When he looks in the mirror, he cannot see himself, like a vampire or a narcissist; he sees a world to dominate where he is omitted and this omission is what causes his imprisonment.

I am taking the time to write this to you hoping you will see your error and go your own way. You need to dismantle the ego in order to heal your world. This is something I do literally everyday — like going to church every morning except in private study.

It takes years of daily practice to integrate an intellectual understanding into wisdom & belief. In fact, the intellect is often counter-productive and has to be used to disarm itself.

I will never be in a relationship with you. I know what you attempted to do. What is done is done. I will not work with you. I will not be swayed by gifts or promises or negotiations. You could offer me billions of dollars and I would never take it or even be tempted by it in the slightest. This is because my only interest is cultivating a further relationship with God & life.

Money is also part of the unified scene. It arrives in perfect order from God. You do not “work for” it. It arrives when you serve God.

You can keep projecting wanting to give me gifts, or seeing me as poor and seeing yourself as rich and these will continue to be seen as the hijacks/bypasses of free will (energy/intention manipulation) that they are and they will return to you to cause further havoc.

There is nothing you need to ask or explain to me. Again, this is not said with accusation, but to show you that you do not need to depend on me. You do not need approval or forgiveness from me. My paradigm doesn’t ever blame people for anything, so forgiveness is simply an internal process to me for releasing things. You need forgiveness from yourself & God. You have no dependence on others. And if you believe you do, you will be shown people who make you dependent on them until you are humbled and stop denying your own will/love from God. You understand?

God is not humbling you. You are humbling yourself by refusing your connection to him. You are not above God, beneath God, nor are others above God, beneath God, and neither can you make others worship you like God, or worship them like God. You are hardwired into God and nowhere else. There is no hierarchy or position. There are no other wires. Not to anyone or anything. Plugging in somewhere else is what causes you suffering.

If you are fixated on me in a way that is not reciprocated or makes you uncomfortable, the discomfort itself is showing you the intersection within yourself that is blocking your connection to God that you cannot get from me.

You cannot hack someone else’s database, because it is “encrypted” — salted — by their ego, plus your perception of it — your ego — and this forms even more encryption. So you will only receive useless information that will deceive and dampen your own connection to God.

This is why you cannot divine or scry. You can only hear yourself reflected back to you from others and make decisions for yourself. If you use what you learn to attempt to manipulate or deceive others, you will only be manipulated or deceived yourself instead.

Your suffering will become worse if you keep working out of an abandoned mine that was based on something other than God because the human collective is “ascending” and wheat is being separated from chaff. That does not mean you are chaff. We ourselves are always “wheat” and the Other is always a mixture of “wheat and chaff” — do you understand?

As this ascension continues and people connect more to God, they will see more truth and it will expose people. Whatever you hide from God, is what will be exposed. I am not immune to this. No one is. You will be helpless to stop it because you are always running at the apex/sum of your soul, like the image that is projected onto a monitor. Any “glitches” will be revealed. You need to get good with it now, or God will expose it for you to balance within yourself.

This is why you will “fall to your knees” — as I have, many times, in case you are wondering — not because God demands submission, but because you must have a coherent interface with God and “falling” is how you get to the “metal” causing the problem to see it and change it. It does not always feel good, but if you cannot see (and I do not mean what is visual) the problem, how do you fix it?

As a unified system, all pieces of the system know what all other pieces of the system are doing while also being oblivious to what all the other pieces are doing. How? Understanding that 90% of our lives occurs “beyond the veil” where as our waking qualia is like 10%. You are still responsible for the 90%.

Put another way, the driver is much lighter, much smaller, more limited in every way than the vehicle of a car, but the driver is in total command and is responsible for what happens to or where the car goes. Your car is your soul. Just pretend your car is invisible because it is too vast to comprehend at once and has nothing to do with your brain, nor is it contained there. Your brain is also “in the scene.”

Time is meaningless. You will do the work regardless of how many lifetimes it takes. I do not make these rules — I uncover them and integrate them in a way that is coherent and harmonious with the circumstances of my life. It is God’s universe that is designed this way, but when you start to understand why you will agree that it could not be designed any other way. It is beautiful and complete. And I am humbled everyday and forced to eat crow all the time.

I do not have all answers. I only have what I know I need to do within the limitations gifted by God/creator/universe/life. I exalt those limitations because they allow life to exist in the first place. I have no desire to be God, but to go on eternal adventures.

I can feel your energy fixated on me. It will continue to pass by and return to you with uncomfortable force. Also not my doing. Remember Star Trek IV The Voyage Home when they slingshot around the sun? That’s what happens with bad intentions for Others — they gain momentum and knock you the heck out of time. You create literal diversions, bifucrations and splintered timelines to explore for yourself whether in one or multiple lives. We are not all in the same place (yet we are) despite that it looks seamless.

Anyone who has played an MMORPG should really have a leg up here. Just understand you are in a kind of MMORPG except there isn’t some computer somewhere running it. You are the “computer” running it.

With as much care & concern as I can offer and appreciation for the lessons and experiences I receive from everyone, please project inward, not outward. I promise you will be OK and the world will start moving towards a more healed state.

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